Comparing Anticounterfeiting Technologies: The Best Option For Protecting Your Products and Customers.

Looking for an anticounterfeiting solution to protect your products and customers? Read on to understand the competing technologies and how to select the best one for your organization. Salzburg, Oct. 29, 2020 If you're considering ...


New Investment Round Accelerates Authentic Vision’s Global Growth

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Anticounterfeiting Solution Provider Authentic Vision Closes $5 Million Series B Funding Round And Expands Team In Europe And US Salzburg, Austria. October 27, 2020 – Authentic Vision, GmbH, an Austrian-based technology startup ...


Cases of Counterfeit and Tainted Alcohol are Reaching Epidemic Levels Hurting Consumers and Damaging Legitimate Brewers, Distillers and Vintners.

Counterfeit, bootlegged and adulterated alcohol endangers legitimate brewers', distillers' and vintners' customers and businesses – anti-counterfeiting tools can help them fight back. Salzburg, 2020-09-08 While cases of alcohol poisoning have been reported as far back ...


The Deadly and Hidden Risks Lurking Inside Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage

Incidents of Tainted, Adulterated, and Counterfeit Liqueurs are on the rise globally, leaving consumers with a 'bad taste,' outrageous hospital bills, and even death – what can you do?   Salzburg, 2020-08-19 According to the ...


Holography News: Immunity Verification Using Holographic Fingerprint™ Tags from Authentic Vision

Salzburg, 22.07.2020 Authentic Vision was recently featured in Holography News, a comprehensive information source on the development of holographic products, technologies, services and markets for security, brand enhancement and industrial applications. We recently launched a GDPR ...


‘BACK TO NORMAL’: Lösungsansatz zur Bestätigung des Immunitätsstatus

Das datenschutzkonforme Gesundheitssiegel von Authentic Vision bietet in epidemiologischen Ausnahmesituationen eine sichere Authentifizierung des Gesundheitszustandes  von  Individuen  und  ermöglicht  diesen  die  staatlich kontrollierte Rückkehr zum normalen Leben. EINFÜHRUNG Die Auswirkungen der globalen Pandemie haben deutlich ...


A Hairy Problem For Health And Beauty Products Manufacturers: The Increasing Sophistication Of Counterfeiters And Their Fake Products

With DIY and at-home beauty care on the rise, counterfeiters see an opportunity to benefit – they’ll copy your products, steal your profit, and damage your brand. Salzburg, Austria. April 22, 2020:  With a significant ...


Authentic Vision Outperforms in Global Reach, Usability, and Compatibility with its Anti-counterfeiting and Authentication App “CheckIfReal”

Is that product genuine or fake? Around the globe, consumers are using Authentic Vision’s CheckIfReal app on smartphones from over 100 different manufacturers to verify product authenticity. Salzburg, Austria. March 5, 2020: Authentic Vision today released ...

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