Holography News: Immunity Verification Using Holographic Fingerprint™ Tags from Authentic Vision

July 22nd, 2020

Salzburg, 22.07.2020

Authentic Vision was recently featured in Holography News, a comprehensive information source on the development of holographic products, technologies, services and markets for security, brand enhancement and industrial applications.

We recently launched a GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant Holographic Fingerprint™ health tamper-proof tag that provides secure authentication of the health status of individuals in exceptional epidemiological situations such as the current coronavirus pandemic:

Holography News – Full Article (PDF)

Download our infographic [download id=”8010″] to find out more about our secure solution for Immunity Verification or get in touch with us to request our whitepaper for Immunity Verification (available in German and English): Request our whitepaper

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