The ROI of Anti-Counterfeiting

January 27th, 2021

Counterfeiting is on the rise. Global trade, e-commerce and new technologies make it more and more easy to manufacture, sell and distribute unauthorized goods. The impacts of counterfeiting range from financial losses to reputation damages and health or security threats. Companies often cannot quantify the impact of counterfeiting. This makes it very hard to create a solid business case for anti-counterfeiting initiatives.

Many businesses do not only have difficulties to quantify the harm caused by counterfeiting, but even to determine whether they have a counterfeiting problem or not. However, there are certain indicators signalling that your organization is at risk:

  1. Are your sales decreasing while the sales of your competitors remain the same?
  2. Are your competitors having counterfeiting problems?
  3. Have your warranty claims increased?
  4. Have consumer protection agencies contacted you regarding consumer complaints, such
    as defects of your products etc.?
  5. Do you find your products in unexpected or unauthorized geographic markets and/or market
  6. Can you observe inexplicable price fluctuations across markets? (…the full list is available in the whitepaper below)

Download our FREE whitepaper “The ROI of Anti-Counterfeiting (2021)” here.

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