Authentic Vision Outperforms in Global Reach, Usability, and Compatibility with its Anti-counterfeiting and Authentication App “CheckIfReal”

March 6th, 2020

Is that product genuine or fake? Around the globe, consumers are using Authentic Vision’s CheckIfReal app on smartphones from over 100 different manufacturers to verify product authenticity.

Salzburg, Austria. March 5, 2020: Authentic Vision today released data on the number of supported smartphones and global reach of its authentication platform and reaffirmed its best-in-class position in the worldwide anti-counterfeiting and product authentication sector.

Authentic Vision’s anti-counterfeiting and product authentication solution, including its mobile authentication app CheckIfReal, supports smartphones from over 100 different manufacturers.  This includes every smartphone and platform, surpassing the reach of other authentication platforms and providing users with the peace-of-mind that they can check product authenticity from their device.

The consumer-friendly app has authenticated genuine products from more than 150 countries around the globe. By using their smartphone and the free app to scan the Holographic Fingerprint™ tag affixed to products, consumers can be assured that the product is genuine.

The mobile authentication app CheckIfReal runs on every device and platform, including iPhones and all Android smartphones from a range of manufacturers. The app also runs on lesser-known and exotic devices such as the Black Shark gaming smartphone, the Doro 824 SmartEasy smartphone recommended for seniors and first-time smartphone users, and the Schok Freedom Turbo smartphone.

While you might not have heard of all these devices, fake products and product adulteration are a global problem requiring secure and easy-to-use solutions that work on a global scale.

Concurrent with the list of smartphones running the app, Authentic Vision also released data from its real-time analytics platform on the Top 20 countries with the highest number of product scans where the CheckIfReal app is used to verify authentic and genuine products.

The list showcases the global footprint of Authentic Vision’s anti-counterfeiting and authentication solution and further bolsters its reputation as the leading global anti-counterfeiting and authentication solution.

CheckIfReal Top 20

Authentic Vision provides anti-counterfeiting and product authentication solutions that assure buyers they are purchasing genuine, authentic and unadulterated products that meet the quality and reliability specifications of the manufacturer.

Their solution protects manufacturers’ investments in product innovation and brand reputation. The Authentic Vision solution combines a unique Holographic Fingerprint™ label with the CheckIfReal app used to scan and authenticate products in real-time, and an analytics platform providing real-time tracking and reporting.

“Our solution had been deployed across a wide range of industries including wines and spirits, lubricants, automotive parts, agrochemicals, and a range of industrial and consumer products. The patented Holographic Fingerprint™ tags can only be produced once and are unique to each individual product, assuring consumers of product authenticity with a simple scan using any smartphone and the mobile authentication app,” said Andreas Spechtler, Executive Chairman, Authentic Vision.

About Authentic Vision

Authentic Vision provides anti-counterfeiting and authentication technologies designed to protect your organization`s investments in product innovation, brand value and reputation while creating new opportunities to increase trust and engagement with consumers. The company`s unique Holographic Fingerprint™ tag, mobile authentication app and real-time analytics capabilities protect physical assets from counterfeiting and alert brand and product owners to potential fraudulent activity. Their anti-counterfeiting and authentication technologies help to minimize lost revenues and mitigate liability due to counterfeits and create new opportunities to engage with consumers through loyalty programs, incentives and future experiences that bridge the physical and digital. Visit to learn more about their solutions, view case studies, download their consumer app or read the latest insights on how anti-counterfeiting and authentication technologies can help your organization.


Gernot Kalchgruber, Authentic Vision


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